Wales Weekender
Wales Weekender - 2 Days

Starting in UK we travel to Wales

£500 per vehicle price based on 1-2 people up to 5 people per vehicle for additional cost


This experience is ideal for those wanting an introduction to green laning

The experience starts Saturday morning when you collect your vehicle from our Rotherham depot, once you have become acquainted to your car and the rest of the group we'll set off in convoy to Wales. Following our lead car we will make our way to Wales. Once there we will spend the afternoon exploring the lanes.

Evening will be spent at either our campsite or hotel (depending on which trip you are on)

Sunday morning after breakfast we set off back onto the lanes for more adventure.

We'll set off back early evening 

What is provided 



Saturday night accommodation

What's not provided

Your food - we will stop at local establishments where food can be purchased